
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

[Insert witty update blog title here] · 9:11pm Sep 29th, 2017

I'm nearly finished with the last chapter of How Rarity fell in love with a Flying Purple Hippo. I've got like one more scene left to write, and I'll probably be able to finish it off tomorrow. However, I likely still won't be writing any more fanfic for a while, this time for a completely different reason. See, I still can't seem to find a job, despite coming tantalizingly close a few times. I may end up going to graduate school instead if nothing sticks in another few months.

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Ice Star vs. 2020: Posting Hiatus + UPDATES ON ALL STORIES · 8:47am Jan 7th, 2021

This isn't going to be a happy blog. It isn't even going to be a relatively nice blog or a blog about anything be okay. I don't know when I'll be able to make blogs like that again, or frankly any kind of content in general like that. I'm not the site's most personal figure, and I never really aimed to be, so it makes sense if a lot of people hadn't realized that anything was really going on with me. I take the social out of 'social media' a lot by being what essentially amounts to a digital

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writing ama · 1:26am Jan 7th, 2019

sorry for the lack of actual story updates manifesting! being busy and also 'writing-but-not-posting' because of the nature of the update means things are kinda slow, even if stuff's getting done. since there's nearly 600(!) of you watching me but not quite (i'll do something blog-wise for that then for sure) i figured i would do an ama anyway.

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results